Saturday, August 31, 2013

Transmission Being Sent

Many of us don't like to think that we are like our parents. Why? For some of us, it is because we grew up in a home with problems and those problem stemmed from our parents lacking needed personal and/or parenting skills. For others it is because we like to think of ourselves as unique, therefore being like our parents means we are not as unique as we had hoped. There are others still, of course, who adore our parents and count it a privilege to be like them.  

I have to say that I met more in the first two categories than in the later. Not really sure why that is but I have a guess, based on my own experience. My parents grew up in homes with parents who were poor role models. As adults, my parents hung out with people who had grown up with similar backgrounds. Therefore they raised me and my siblings in the mess they had known. They "transmitted" what they knew from their parents to us, while all their friends did the same.

Granted, the life style I am referring to may seem to fine or normal to many others, but it wasn't for me. I knew that there had to be more, something "better". I did not know what this "life" looked like until high school when I stayed at a friends house. I watched a family who spoke with kindness to one another. Encouragement was offered and for the first time in my life I watched a dad take out the Word of God and share from it in front of his family.

This experience  opened a whole new world to me. I still lived in the midst of craziness, but now a seed of hope for the future, my future, had been planted in my heart and mind. Through that and other times with that family they had "transmitted" important truth to me, "Things can be different. Things can be better".

In Ezekiel 46:20, God ordered that the priests were not allowed in the outer court because He did not want them to "transmit holiness to the people". This thought blew me away but then it made me think. Without going to deep, we, as parents, are the "priests" of our homes. We are called to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare of our children. If we are to transmit our knowledge of God and who He is to our children, first we must know it ourselves. My parents could not pass this on to me because they didn't know it themselves.

You see, the preists had been in the presence of God, in the Holy of Hollies.That is how a very small but very potant part of God's holliness tranmitted from them. If we are in God's Word (learning who He is and what He expects), if we are applying His word, if we are in fellowship with fellow believers, if we are serving others, and if we are living out holiness in front of our children we will "transmit" the truth and beauty of God to them.

I have tried to transmit my love for my God to my children. My husband and I are not perfect and we cannot truly reflect the holiness of God without His help and direction, but we are willing to be open to His leading and in service to Him because our God is worthy. We are to be the example to our children that is needed for them to desire to live their lives for Him.

Is the "transmission being sent" in your life?

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