Monday, April 4, 2016

Struggling to Trust

Has life ever piled up on you?

Have so many things come at you at once that it takes your breath away and you want to just hide?

As I sit here and type that is exactly how I am feeling. It's "real time" for me.

I have to admit that I am struggling to trust that it will all work out in the time that it needs to.

This is not the first time that I've felt this way and I am pretty sure it will not be the last. It is hard to admit a lack of trust as a follower of Jesus Christ. He's shown me His faithfulness over and over.

I know Jesus as my personal Savior. I know that my salvation was the one single thing that I could do absolutely nothing about. It was through His perfect sinless live, His dead, His burial, and His resurrection that I can have eternal life! In reality no problem can top that one.

So why do I still struggle with trust? The feeling of being overwhelmed by circumstances and wanting to just hide away and wait for them to go away really makes no sense but there it is.

This time it's finances. Who knows what it will be next time. Well, actually I do know who knows. My God knows. This did not take Him by surprise.

There is another element to  my "struggle to trust". It's in the questions that I keep asking myself.
"What if this is my fault? What if I deserve the problem because of disobedience, pride, or misuse?" Could it be that I am being punished (corrected) by God according to my own fault?

Yes, guilt added to worry. Not a good combination.

Do I know what to do about the situation itself, no. If I did, I would fix it. But my hands are tied.

Do I know what to do about the worry and the guilt? Yes. Pray. I have been in continual prayer for God to take care of the situation and reveal to me if my "guilt" has merit so change can come.

Do I know what to do to be released from the worry, the guilt, and to find the needed help in this situation? Yes. Trust! (which I am finding hard at this point)

Right now I am praying, and going to God's Word for the all reminders that He's got this. In fact, that He has my life in His hands all the time, in every circumstance.

If you are where I am, maybe these verses from Psalms and Proverbs will be an encouragement to you as well:

Psalms 4;5, 9;10, 18;2 &30, 20;7, 31; 1 &14, 32;10, 34;8, 37;5, 37;40, 64;10, 71;1, 91;2, 112;7, 115;11, 118;9

Proverbs 3;5,16;20, 29;25