There's a disturbing tread that is becoming more and more prevalent, "attentions seekers" (not to be confused with "thrill seekers"). These are people who will do just about anything to get the attention of others. There are many reasons that these people feel a need to be noticed.
For some it may be a lack of appropriate attention at home. As a child my parents were so wrapped up in their own issues they could not meet the emotional needs of their children. Another frustration that causes an attention seeker is being a "number" in a classroom. A child may need individual help because he lacks the knowledge and skill to work a alone and keep up a high grade average, but there is no one to help him because the teacher is too busy to notice that one student. Yes, this was also me (two strikes against me). There are more but I was thinking today about one in particular...
Today's media options make it easy to see what others are doing, what they have, and how they utilize it. No longer does an individual need to get on a bus in Hollywood to see the homes of the "stars", all they need to do is go on-line and search. Newspapers, magazines, talk shows, and the evening news all have space donated to who's doing what, what they have, and how they are utilizing it. I would love to say that it is always positive, but none of us are blind. We heard how many millions so and so got for making a movie, playing a gig, or pitching in a game. A few days later we hear how they spent it and how much time they did for it. We also seems to be a need to know what this actress is wearing and how little there is of it or who is having who's baby and when the divorce will be.
We look at our simple little lives stuck in our simple little world and wonder- why?? Why can't I make more money? Why can't I have a hot car and big house, and all the latest fashions? Why? Why? Why?
I think "why?" is a great question. Of course I also think that looking at the big picture is a good place to start.
Do you deserve something better? Do you? When you are comparing yourself to others it may seem like you don't have enough but if you have what is needed to live day to day, food, shelter, then you are doing better that most people in the world (I am not an advocate of making people feel guilty for what they have but it is a good way to evaluate how grateful one should be). Today as you tune into the radio or watch TV, listen to the advertisers. You will be amazed at how often you hear a phrase that tells you "you deserve" whatever it is. Do you really? Maybe it is a way to make you feel discontented so you will buy their product. Do you like being taken advantage that way?
Not everyone can handle the deluge of media influence. No one should have to. Then we add in the uncontrolled violence of video games, and the many facets of social media. Not only are you discontented because you are not a "Rock Star" (which maybe you could handle because there is a sense that it is not realistic) but now you see that your friend got the promotion you wanted or a new car or got engaged, or, or, or....It maybe only a few that "snap" and "go postal" but a discontented heart can cause plenty of personal problems. It can cause emotional turmoil, lead to physical illness, and even mental breakdowns. It can affect our marriage (wanting what the neighbors have, or what you grew up having). It can teach and cause our children to be selfish and self-centered. The possibilities are endless but none good.
So ya wanna be a Rock Star...why not try to be who God created you to be. Not sure "who" that is? Ask Him in prayer to show you. You don't have the lastest iphone, the biggest house, the latest clothing, so what. Learning to be content and waiting for things will bring more joy than any "Rock Star" will ever know.
Hebrew 13:5 is a good verse to memorize to help keep you on track!
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