So I have to be honest, I am easily distracted!

Age, well, it isn't the best excuse because I have been this way for years. Early on in my marriage my husband had already begun to tease me about my "reminder" notes that were scattered all over the house. He still tells me that it is "my brains scattered all over the place". I laugh because I know it's the truth.
The distractions? Oh, pretty much anything but they are usually related to what I am doing, or suppose to be doing at the moment. Cleaning the house can lead to "social media distractions". Working on a Sunday school lesson can lead to "cleaning the house distraction". Other easy distraction are old movies and watching the birds on the feeder.
So what do I think a better "distraction" would be? Reading the Bible, time in prayer, reading books for personal growth. I am "busy" all the time yet I don't do what I know I should, those things that will draw me closer to God.
What now? I know the truth. I am using "distraction" as an excuse for not doing what I know I should/need to do. I need to recognize my lack of self-control for what it is, sin.
James 4:17 makes it clear. If I know what is right and chose not to do it, I am in sin. I must be determined to understand just how serious God is about sin.
Then I need to determine how serious I am about sin based on my relationship with my Savior. From there I need to set a plan in place. If I need to schedule my day more carefully.
This basic concept can apply to most area of our life. Determine if there is something you need to do, or not do. Ask God if it is sin and search His Word for the answer if you are unsure if it is right or wrong. Set in place a plan to do right or avoid wrong. Then do it.
Of course this sounds easier than it is. Of course there will be set backs but God wants to be our guide and our strength, so let Him.
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