Many of us don't like to think that we are like our parents. Why? For some of us, it is because we grew up in a home with problems and those problem stemmed from our parents lacking needed personal and/or parenting skills. For others it is because we like to think of ourselves as unique, therefore being like our parents means we are not as unique as we had hoped. There are others still, of course, who adore our parents and count it a privilege to be like them.
I have to say that I met more in the first two categories than in the later. Not really sure why that is but I have a guess, based on my own experience. My parents grew up in homes with parents who were poor role models. As adults, my parents hung out with people who had grown up with similar backgrounds. Therefore they raised me and my siblings in the mess they had known. They "transmitted" what they knew from their parents to us, while all their friends did the same.
Granted, the life style I am referring to may seem to fine or normal to many others, but it wasn't for me. I knew that there had to be more, something "better". I did not know what this "life" looked like until high school when I stayed at a friends house. I watched a family who spoke with kindness to one another. Encouragement was offered and for the first time in my life I watched a dad take out the Word of God and share from it in front of his family.
This experience opened a whole new world to me. I still lived in the midst of craziness, but now a seed of hope for the future, my future, had been planted in my heart and mind. Through that and other times with that family they had "transmitted" important truth to me, "Things can be different. Things can be better".
In Ezekiel 46:20, God ordered that the priests were not allowed in the outer court because He did not want them to "transmit holiness to the people". This thought blew me away but then it made me think. Without going to deep, we, as parents, are the "priests" of our homes. We are called to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare of our children. If we are to transmit our knowledge of God and who He is to our children, first we must know it ourselves. My parents could not pass this on to me because they didn't know it themselves.
You see, the preists had been in the presence of God, in the Holy of Hollies.That is how a very small but very potant part of God's holliness tranmitted from them. If we are in God's Word (learning who He is and what He expects), if we are applying His word, if we are in fellowship with fellow believers, if we are serving others, and if we are living out holiness in front of our children we will "transmit" the truth and beauty of God to them.
I have tried to transmit my love for my God to my children. My husband and I are not perfect and we cannot truly reflect the holiness of God without His help and direction, but we are willing to be open to His leading and in service to Him because our God is worthy. We are to be the example to our children that is needed for them to desire to live their lives for Him.
Is the "transmission being sent" in your life?
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A Little Encouragement, Please!

Once you both calm down and supper is on the table, you find out that your husband's boss had him work on a project then took credit. The dude even had the gall to dock his hours just as you were hoping to get into your own home...get the point?
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get so wrapped up in our own problems and looking after our own concerns that we end up ignoring those around us who are struggling as well. When we focus on ourselves we tend to look "inside" causing more frustration and causing us to become more hopeless and helpless.
No matter how deep our problems seem to be, we can make the choice to encourage others, especially those who are closest to us. Will our needs be met? Maybe not. But if we are willing to try, we can be strong and look beyond our selves to give uplifting words to someone who needs them, maybe as much as we do.
Putting our worries and agenda aside to listen and encourage will, more than likely, lift our spirit as we realize we helped someone feel better. God encourages us to encourage others. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefor encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
Will it always be easy? No. Is it necessary? Yes. Be sure to pray and ask God for the right words to speak since He knows what we need (and what others need) more that we now ourselves.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Would You be Satisfied?

So are you? Are you satisfied with you job/career, with your marriage, with your children's grades? There are many areas of life that we could look at and ask the question of but there is one that struck me differently the other day and that is the one I want to focus on.
While reading an Old Testament passage something stood out causing me to ask myself a question. In Ezekiel 44:28-30, it speaks of the priests of Israel not having possessions of their own by saying, "And it shall be in regard to an inheritance for them, that I AM their inheritance; and you shall give them no possession in Israel-I AM their possession." (NASB) So the question I asked myself was, "Would I be, am I willing, to live life with God as my inheritance and my portion?"
No, I am not a priest but I do believe that I can learn for the lives of those God chose to single out and put their life story in His Word. So to ask myself that if everything was taken away, would I trust and continue to live life for my Savior is a deep sobering question. It would be easy to say "of course" when times are good, but it is a question that I want to pray about when times are good. I want to be strong in mind and spirit to say "of course" if and when everything falls apart.
That is were the word "satisfied" comes back in. Can I, am I willing, to be satisfied with God being my inheritance and my portion? How about you?
Saturday, August 24, 2013
So Ya Wanna Be a Rock Star
There's a disturbing tread that is becoming more and more prevalent, "attentions seekers" (not to be confused with "thrill seekers"). These are people who will do just about anything to get the attention of others. There are many reasons that these people feel a need to be noticed.
For some it may be a lack of appropriate attention at home. As a child my parents were so wrapped up in their own issues they could not meet the emotional needs of their children. Another frustration that causes an attention seeker is being a "number" in a classroom. A child may need individual help because he lacks the knowledge and skill to work a alone and keep up a high grade average, but there is no one to help him because the teacher is too busy to notice that one student. Yes, this was also me (two strikes against me). There are more but I was thinking today about one in particular...
Today's media options make it easy to see what others are doing, what they have, and how they utilize it. No longer does an individual need to get on a bus in Hollywood to see the homes of the "stars", all they need to do is go on-line and search. Newspapers, magazines, talk shows, and the evening news all have space donated to who's doing what, what they have, and how they are utilizing it. I would love to say that it is always positive, but none of us are blind. We heard how many millions so and so got for making a movie, playing a gig, or pitching in a game. A few days later we hear how they spent it and how much time they did for it. We also seems to be a need to know what this actress is wearing and how little there is of it or who is having who's baby and when the divorce will be.
We look at our simple little lives stuck in our simple little world and wonder- why?? Why can't I make more money? Why can't I have a hot car and big house, and all the latest fashions? Why? Why? Why?
I think "why?" is a great question. Of course I also think that looking at the big picture is a good place to start.
Do you deserve something better? Do you? When you are comparing yourself to others it may seem like you don't have enough but if you have what is needed to live day to day, food, shelter, then you are doing better that most people in the world (I am not an advocate of making people feel guilty for what they have but it is a good way to evaluate how grateful one should be). Today as you tune into the radio or watch TV, listen to the advertisers. You will be amazed at how often you hear a phrase that tells you "you deserve" whatever it is. Do you really? Maybe it is a way to make you feel discontented so you will buy their product. Do you like being taken advantage that way?
Not everyone can handle the deluge of media influence. No one should have to. Then we add in the uncontrolled violence of video games, and the many facets of social media. Not only are you discontented because you are not a "Rock Star" (which maybe you could handle because there is a sense that it is not realistic) but now you see that your friend got the promotion you wanted or a new car or got engaged, or, or, or....It maybe only a few that "snap" and "go postal" but a discontented heart can cause plenty of personal problems. It can cause emotional turmoil, lead to physical illness, and even mental breakdowns. It can affect our marriage (wanting what the neighbors have, or what you grew up having). It can teach and cause our children to be selfish and self-centered. The possibilities are endless but none good.
So ya wanna be a Rock Star...why not try to be who God created you to be. Not sure "who" that is? Ask Him in prayer to show you. You don't have the lastest iphone, the biggest house, the latest clothing, so what. Learning to be content and waiting for things will bring more joy than any "Rock Star" will ever know.
Hebrew 13:5 is a good verse to memorize to help keep you on track!
For some it may be a lack of appropriate attention at home. As a child my parents were so wrapped up in their own issues they could not meet the emotional needs of their children. Another frustration that causes an attention seeker is being a "number" in a classroom. A child may need individual help because he lacks the knowledge and skill to work a alone and keep up a high grade average, but there is no one to help him because the teacher is too busy to notice that one student. Yes, this was also me (two strikes against me). There are more but I was thinking today about one in particular...
Today's media options make it easy to see what others are doing, what they have, and how they utilize it. No longer does an individual need to get on a bus in Hollywood to see the homes of the "stars", all they need to do is go on-line and search. Newspapers, magazines, talk shows, and the evening news all have space donated to who's doing what, what they have, and how they are utilizing it. I would love to say that it is always positive, but none of us are blind. We heard how many millions so and so got for making a movie, playing a gig, or pitching in a game. A few days later we hear how they spent it and how much time they did for it. We also seems to be a need to know what this actress is wearing and how little there is of it or who is having who's baby and when the divorce will be.
We look at our simple little lives stuck in our simple little world and wonder- why?? Why can't I make more money? Why can't I have a hot car and big house, and all the latest fashions? Why? Why? Why?
I think "why?" is a great question. Of course I also think that looking at the big picture is a good place to start.
Do you deserve something better? Do you? When you are comparing yourself to others it may seem like you don't have enough but if you have what is needed to live day to day, food, shelter, then you are doing better that most people in the world (I am not an advocate of making people feel guilty for what they have but it is a good way to evaluate how grateful one should be). Today as you tune into the radio or watch TV, listen to the advertisers. You will be amazed at how often you hear a phrase that tells you "you deserve" whatever it is. Do you really? Maybe it is a way to make you feel discontented so you will buy their product. Do you like being taken advantage that way?
Not everyone can handle the deluge of media influence. No one should have to. Then we add in the uncontrolled violence of video games, and the many facets of social media. Not only are you discontented because you are not a "Rock Star" (which maybe you could handle because there is a sense that it is not realistic) but now you see that your friend got the promotion you wanted or a new car or got engaged, or, or, or....It maybe only a few that "snap" and "go postal" but a discontented heart can cause plenty of personal problems. It can cause emotional turmoil, lead to physical illness, and even mental breakdowns. It can affect our marriage (wanting what the neighbors have, or what you grew up having). It can teach and cause our children to be selfish and self-centered. The possibilities are endless but none good.
So ya wanna be a Rock Star...why not try to be who God created you to be. Not sure "who" that is? Ask Him in prayer to show you. You don't have the lastest iphone, the biggest house, the latest clothing, so what. Learning to be content and waiting for things will bring more joy than any "Rock Star" will ever know.
Hebrew 13:5 is a good verse to memorize to help keep you on track!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Life Changes and so must I

Although the above example are quick and unpredictable there are other things that can change life, such as age, adult children moving home, relocating to new area because of job change. These can be more subtle but still impactful. So what do we do when things change whether in a moment or over a process of time?
Don't panic. More than likely you are not the first person to experience this and you will not be the last.
Stay calm. No this is not quit the same as "don't panic". Staying calm involves consciously remaining in control of your emotions.
Think clearly. There may be a lot of details that need to be thought through, and it may be that you are the only one who can make those decisions. It is easy to panic, overreach and turn decision making over to someone else, then blame them for not doing things correctly or the way you would have. It is not right to put someone else in a situation of making decisions unless you completely know and trust them.
Pray and seek God's direction. God doesn't always say "yes". But He does not always so "no" and there are times we must wait patiently on Him because He knows best.
Ask for help. There are things we can't do on our own. There are times when we can't make decisions on our own. When we are in a situation when we cannot make a decision on our own, it is ok to ask for advise. It is also alright not to take any advise that is against what God's Word says is right or you are sure it is not right for you.
Do what needs to be done. Procrastination is never a solution to a problem. Waiting may be an only option but if you know there is something you need to do, do it.
Don't be afraid of change. It is inevitable. Even if we hide in a hole, change will happen. We need to be prepared to change with change. A good saying is "the difference between "better" and "bitter" is "I". When we adjust to change with a good attitude, we will not fall into a pit of self-pity, doubt, and eventually become bitter.
Ready, set, change :)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
So I have to be honest, I am easily distracted!

Age, well, it isn't the best excuse because I have been this way for years. Early on in my marriage my husband had already begun to tease me about my "reminder" notes that were scattered all over the house. He still tells me that it is "my brains scattered all over the place". I laugh because I know it's the truth.
The distractions? Oh, pretty much anything but they are usually related to what I am doing, or suppose to be doing at the moment. Cleaning the house can lead to "social media distractions". Working on a Sunday school lesson can lead to "cleaning the house distraction". Other easy distraction are old movies and watching the birds on the feeder.
So what do I think a better "distraction" would be? Reading the Bible, time in prayer, reading books for personal growth. I am "busy" all the time yet I don't do what I know I should, those things that will draw me closer to God.
What now? I know the truth. I am using "distraction" as an excuse for not doing what I know I should/need to do. I need to recognize my lack of self-control for what it is, sin.
James 4:17 makes it clear. If I know what is right and chose not to do it, I am in sin. I must be determined to understand just how serious God is about sin.
Then I need to determine how serious I am about sin based on my relationship with my Savior. From there I need to set a plan in place. If I need to schedule my day more carefully.
This basic concept can apply to most area of our life. Determine if there is something you need to do, or not do. Ask God if it is sin and search His Word for the answer if you are unsure if it is right or wrong. Set in place a plan to do right or avoid wrong. Then do it.
Of course this sounds easier than it is. Of course there will be set backs but God wants to be our guide and our strength, so let Him.
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