Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Moms @ Home

There is a new trend that is gaining strength in the United States. It's the stay-at-home mom.

It it actually a new tread with ancient roots that stem back to the beginning of time.

After many years of "fighting", women's suffrage (the right to vote) was ratified on August 18th, 1920. Along with the right to vote came freedoms that women had not known in the US to that point in time. It would seem that the "roaring twenties" showed the "freedom" that came with the 19th amendment through the wild actions, or reaction, that we associate with that time period and young women.

I can't say that I agree with all the points of feminism. But even in the midst of, often, misdirected motives, has come the freedom to be who we, as women, want to be.

Has this freedom to be who we want to be always been beneficial to women or their families. Not always but as trends come and go it has allowed today's generation (women in their 20 and 30s) to "stay-at-home" to raise their little ones.

This generation of women are learning to be at home cooks and bakers, nurse maids, knitters, sewers, crafters, "handy men", financiers, and care givers beyond a single degree that may allow them to specialize in just one area in the work force.

Many of these women are choosing to give up extra income, extravegant vacations, elabrate homes, huge retirement accounts, and a deluxe SUV to be the one who loves and influences her children and the one who loves and supports her husband, on a full time basis.

They  are often misunderstood by other women who do not choose to stay home and even more so by those who feel that these women are setting the feminist movement back by staying at home. But they are sure-footed, brave, and have unshakable convictions.

Remember at the beginning of this blog when I said "a new trend with ancient roots"? Well these roots are grounded in the Word of God, the Bible and when God is taken out of the scenario, women are quick to remove themselves for the home and as the main care givers of their children.

I have to say that I have a hard time when someone says, "I would stay home but I can't". "Why? is the question that I want to ask. There are so many times that it would have been easier on our finances if I would have gone to work. I understand how hard it is to give up the things to follow the bigger picture.

I have had to learn to trust God to meet the needs of our family because I was choosing to be faithful to what He has called mother to do. I would do it again in a heart beat because nothing that I've done in this life has been more rewarding, My husband and I have two great adult children who we are proud of. If you ask them they will tell you that they are glad that I chose to be at home with them.

In your time of searching and praying about what you should do as a young mother or in your search as a older mother of grown children who is seeking advise to offer to a young mom who is debating whether to stay home or to take a job outside the home, consider these verses and examples from the Bible:

Genesis 1:27-28 (be fruitful and multiply)

the books of Proverbs (full of parental instructions that an at home mom would have more time to teach a child)

Proverbs 31:10-31 (this is the perfect women, but we can learn much from her)

2 Timothy 1:5 (godly instructions from an at home mother and grandmother)

Titus 2:3-5 ("working at home" is obvious here)

There are many godly examples of women "working at home" in both the Old and New Testament (including Mary the mother of Jesus) to read about.

Stay-at-home mothers of this modern world...I'm proud of you!


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