This picture reminds me of the scene I've seen time and again in old movies. One women "happens" to mention why Mabel will not be attending tea that afternoon. In pure curiosity and concern, one of the other women ask why. The next thing you know the other women are all talking about Mabel's latest operation and what a cad her husband is. We shake our head and continue to watch as the movies shifts the story to another part of house.
What is gossip? It could be described as unproductive or destructive talk about other's personal or private affairs. In other words, talking about someone "behind" their back about something that does not concern you, or does not concern the other person being told. Mabel's latest surgery is no concern of Lola and Patsy, unless Mabel wants them to know.
Seems simple. It isn't for most of us. Even when we say we are not gossips, it creeps it's way into the conversation. Why? Some people like being the one who knows something that others don't know and they love the feeling that comes with being the one to tell. Others will gossip, share information about a situation, that they are directly involved, because someone "offended" them. They run around gossiping about the situation in an attempt to make it sound like the other person was at fault. Their soul intent is to make herself look the innocent bystander. Her hope is to get people aligned on her side so if that other person says anything, she already has a team supporting her side of the story, right or wrong.
Still others seem to enjoy setting fires and watching them burn. Do I think there can an innocent side to gossip. Yes, I think that someone can say something about someone else out of frustration and once it comes out of her mouth, she realizes she should have not said it.
Why not gossip? God Himself is very much against gossip. In the English Standard gossip is called "slander". In the long run, it doesn't really benefit us to use gossip/slander to get people on our side, to be the first to tell, or just to cause problems. It sets us up for failure. You see, if you are willing to gossip to me about someone else, how can I trust you?
What should you do once you gossip/slander someone else? Go to them and ask them to forgive you. Be ready though, they do not have to forgive you. You chose to hurt them, they may need time to heal before they can offer forgiveness.
How can you avoid gossip. Don't hang out with people who are gossips/slanderers. Don't be drawn in by the person who gossips under the guise of having you pray about it. Be careful of the person who speaks poorly of a spouse, parents or friends, eventually they will want you to side with them and the argument they use to secure your support is in fact gossip. If you tend to gossip yourself, pray and ask for strength to not gossip and stay away from those who you tend to gossip to when you are upset or frustrated to avoid gossiping.
Here's some reading to help remind you about how serious God takes gossips:
Leviticus 19:16; Psalm 15:3, 50:20, 101:5, 140:11; Proverbs 10:18, 11:13, 20:19; Matthew 15:19; Mark 1:22; Romans 1:30; Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8; 1 Timothy 3:11, 6:4
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