About six years ago, while taking some college classes, I noticed a definite change in my eyesight. All of the extra reading, both in book form and on the computer screen, made it "clear" that the extra strain was causing my vision to blur as well as giving me head aches. After putting it off as long as I could, I broke down and went to the eye doctor.
Sure enough my my eyes were no longer able to focus on objects close to me, specifically reading material. A pair of glasses was needed to aid in clearer vision.
Have you ever experienced faulty vision? If not physically, how about emotionally?
The lack of clear vision when it comes to my emotions is one that I would love to fit with a pair of corrective lenses!
You see, my growing up years were full of chaos. Today we call it dysfunction. The years when my world view and self image were being formed found confusion, violence, and loneliness.
It was enough to cloud my vision and blur the world around me. Many years later I still tend to see my world though the the eyes of that frightened confused little girl.
In my struggle to cope and move on, I have tried to refocus on controlling my world through perfectionism, criticism, sarcasm, and always keeping my guard up hoping to protect my heart and mind for further hurt.
Honestly, it doesn't help. By using these things, my vision remains blurred and any focus these defenses may bring actually causes my focus to be on me.Yes, selfishness is all these "coping mechanisms" bring.
So, what is the answer? Good question.
It is the question that I often ask myself as I seek to gain a clearer vision when it comes to my emotions and responses. The one answer that keeps coming up, over and over, is LOVE.
Odd answer, isn't it.
Remember when I mentioned that unpleasant word, "selfishness"?
If you are like me, it makes you cringe. No one wants to be told that they are selfish. But, sadly, we as humans are born selfish. We need to be taught to share. We get the concept of "mine" all on our own.
Most of us would be understanding toward someone who exhibited selfishness, if we knew that they were a victim of abuse, but does it really benefit us to make excuses for selfishness?
Love corrects the vision of our emotions and of the responses that those emotions may bring. It lets us see clearly. It frees us from ourselves and our past, present, and future to live lives with clear focus and purpose. When we live our lives to benefit others we find a joy and peace that is amazing.
Will we get hurt? Yes. Will we face disillusionment? If we are expecting perfection, then Yes. Will things always work out for us and those we are trying to love? No.
Is it really worth it? Yes.
Love has taken on many forms in today's world. It is used flippantly and abused but true love, real love, is unmistakable.
I myself know about true love though a gift that was given to me many years ago, as a child. I heard about the God-man named Jesus who loved me and knew all about me and wanted what was best for me. He gave His life for mine, His gift to me was life eternal that was willing to give to me, free of charge, because of love.
So were do you start if you desire to have clear vision in regards to your emotions?
One of the most accurate and honest things that I have ever found is in the Bible in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 of the New Testament. It is often referred to as the "Love Chapter". It reminds us of simple things like, "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous...". No, not easy things to do but necessary if we are to "see" more clearly.
Study to Learn:
The very first step to having clearer vision is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you were to die right now, where your final destination would be.
Study these verses from the Bible and ask God to show you what true love looks like through Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
John 3:16